Tuesday, November 1, 2011


What did we do this week, month, last 2 months?

OK, so I have meant to do weekly reports but I have not posted in almost 2 months!  So I guess the big question is how is school going and what have the kids been doing.

A-6 is working through OPGTR at a steady pace.  He is finally more interested in print and not just pictures.  He is wanting to sound out everything he sees.  That is a very exciting step for me. 

We have just started All About Spelling this week.  I have heard lots of good things about it and am excited to use it.

 We have also been working on Pizza Hut Book It.  Our goal for October was for me or Dad to read-aloud for 20 minutes a day to them.  They love this time and did great at it (not a surprise).

In math, we have started adding 2 numbers.  He seems to do well with it.  He loves counting, reading the digital clock, and doing oral story problems. 

We have been listening to SOTW and talking about what we have heard.  We have not been recording this in anyway. 

We have also been looking at books and the Internet about cave animals and ocean animals.  We have not been recording this either.

A-1 had a chance to go to Mammoth Cave with his grandparents.  We have also been to the pumpkin patch and to the National Zoo in Washington, DC. 

We have also read to them all lots.

A-5 and L-3 have been learning right along with A-6 but nothing formal.  A-5 did start Girl Scouts and L-3 does Story Hour at the library.

JD is now walking and into EVERYTHING!